Additional Information
Please state that you wish to cancel the ticket in the "Details of Amendment" section on the form.
Please note that in some instances it is not possible to cancel your booking and for you to receive a refund of the price paid. You will have been notified of this before you confirmed your booking, along with any other cancellation charges. Any variation of such terms and conditions which you would have agreed to before we accepted your booking request are solely at the discretion of the provider of the service you have purchased.
If you are due a refund, for example for a cancelled booking, this will only be made to the card originally used to make the booking. Please note we are unable to refund the amount to a different payment card.
In a small number of cases, a refund may be made in the form of travel vouchers. In this case, you will be made aware of this before the cancellation is made
For urgent cancellations (ie: only if your ferry is due to sail in the next 24 hours or less) to ferry tickets purchased via this web site please telephone 0844 576 0006 during our office hours (Mon-Thu 8am - 8pm, Fri to 8am – 7pm, Sat, Sun & Bank Hols 9am – 6pm) otherwise please complete the adjacent online ticket cancellation request form.
If you have not yet booked your ferry ticket please click here to access our online reservation service.